chiara ghinolfi: executive coaching in dubai

Real People + Real Results

chiara ghinolfi: executive coaching in dubai

Real People + Real Results

about your coach

Chiara Ghinolfi

Whether you're struggling to manage your emotions, communicate effectively, or navigate cross-cultural situations, I am here to guide you to develop the skills you need to thrive.

What's holding you back?

Is it fear? Procrastination? Perfectionism?

My coaching philosophy is rooted in my own journey of self-discovery, and my multicultural background has given me unique insights into the challenges individuals, teams, and organizations face in today's globalized corporate world

Executive coaching is not just about setting goals - it's about challenging yourself to go beyond your comfort zone.

As your coach, with a strong "no BS approach", I'll ask you tough and specific questions to get to the root of your "stuckness".

Imagine what life will be like when they too have the success you have?

values i won't compromise on

what i stand for


no bs approach

I like keeping things real and down-to-earth, using the best tools available to facilitate your transformation. And while the process can be challenging, I'll be there to support and challenge you every step of the way to success.



Integrity is not only a fundamental part of who I am as a person, but it also serves as the cornerstone of my coaching practice, guiding my actions and decisions to help my clients achieve their goals.


with the team, for the team

As an Executive Coach, I don't take on a leadership role in the traditional sense. Instead, I work as a collaborative partner. I believe that the most effective coaching is done when the coach becomes a part of the team and work as an active part of it, into a desired direction and towards the same ultimate goal.

Your Executive Coach

During my years in corporate HR, I saw employees struggling with all sort of limiting conditions: anger management, imposter syndrome, communications name it.

It was thanks to practices of self-acceptance, mindfulness, and hands on communication, that they could find alignment and connection with themselves, and being able to find the tools to be more effective and successful in their communication.

A built-up of experiences like this one, made me realize I was limiting myself by working for one company only. I wanted to bring my expertise outside and help hundreds of people, not just my corporate team. That was the sparkle that ignited all the courses and certifications that made me the Executive Coach I am today.

The Right Moment was yesterday.

The next Best time, is today.

By developing a greater understanding of your emotions and behaviours, you will become a more effective communicator and build better relationships with your team members.

And with improved conflict-resolution skills, you will be able to create a positive, harmonious and productive work environment.

stuck at a roadblock?

Take the FREE Assessment Now.

Perform at your best, sustainably.


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